
Crucifixion: why Jesus did bear the cross?

Crucifixion: Why Jesus did bear the cross? 

2,000 years ago, why would Jesus have to go through all the suffering and bore the cross? It is the fundamental question asking the core of Christianity. Most of Christians, and even non-believers would have thought about it at least once and want to know the clear answer to this question. It might sound like a simple question, but there was none of pastors I met who gave me the clear answer to this question. Most of them emphasized the extreme suffering Jesus went through for us and his great love.Yes, it is true that Jesus bore the cross to forgive our sin although Jesus knew all the suffering he had to go over and asked God to take this cup from him. (Mark 14:36)However, there are deeper meaning why Jesus bore the cross. You can know the reason why did Jesus bear the cross when you read the text below. All the explanations below are based on the Bible. 

You can read other answers to other biblical questions at the link below.

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