
Shincheonji, The end and beginning of the Old Testament and New Testament


The end and beginning of the Old Testament

 and New Testament

What is the testament?
According the online dictionary, the definition of the word ‘testament’ is:

1.    either of the two major portions of the Bible: the Mosaic or old covenant or dispensation, or the Christian or new covenant or dispensation.
2. will, especially one that relates to the disposition of one's personal property.
3. covenant, especially between God and humans.

When we search for the origin of the word ‘Testament’, it came from the Middle English word of ‘will’ and ‘covenant’.

1250–1300; Middle English:  will, covenant < Latin testāmentum,  equivalent to testā ( rī ) to bear witness (see testate) + -mentum –ment

When we translate the meaning of Old Testament and New Testament into another word, it means ‘Old covenant’ and ‘new covenant.’
The covenant is an agreement, usually formal, between two or more persons to do or not do something specified. Then why Bible is classified with old and new covenant? We can find the answer in the Bible, in Hebrew 8:7

Hebrew 8:7
For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another.

It means, we need to make a new promised (new covenant = New Testament) because the first covenant (Old Testament) went wrong. (I will post another article about Old Testament and New Testament later too.)

The article below explains about the end and beginning of the Old Testament and New Testament. If testament is a covenant, it is important to know how the covenant was made and how did that promise end. I pray this article will help you understand the Bible deeper.

To read more biblical articles written by Shincheonji, below is the direct link to other biblical articles.


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