
[Shincheonji Truth] Arise From A Deep Slumber!!


 Arise From A Deep Slumber!! 


 Let us examine the signs of the end of age in Matthew 24, the entire books of Revelation, and 2 Thessalonians 2. 

  Matthew 23 and John 5 are about events that took place during Jesus’ first coming. They speak of the fulfillment of the prophecy in Ezekiel 37.  The content in Matthew 24 is a prophecy that will fulfill at the time of the Lord’s second coming.

 In Matthew 24, the disciples heard Jesus say that the temple will crumble.  In response, they asked, “When will this happen and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of age?”  Jesus answered starting from verse 4. 

 First, he warned to not be deceived, for many will come in his (Jesus) name and deceive.  Those who deceive are not unbelievers, but pastors who testify to Jesus.   At this time there will be a war.  Nations will rise against nations, kingdom against kingdom.  The war is between God’s nation and Satan’s nation: God’s temple, pastor, and congregation against Satan’s churches, pastors and church members.  These two organizations wage in spiritual wars, in heated debates using ecclesiastical authority and church doctrine.  At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other.  There will be increase of wickedness, and the abomination that causes desolation will stand in the holy place and reign.  In this war, the devil’s pastors and congregation members rise as the victor, while the pastors and congregation members on God’s side get defeated and become enslaved.  Their defeat is expressed as, “the sun, moon, and stars will be darkened and will fall from the sky (Spiritual Israel that belonged in heaven)” (Mt 24:29; Rv 6:12-13).  Like Adam, they return to dust and become mere flesh; though they were once the people of heaven, they become the people of the earth.  Jesus spoke of these signs of the end of the churches.  These are the signs of the Lord’s second coming that make known of the destruction of the world of the former-heaven that became corrupt.  Can you believe in this?

  After this, Jesus and the angels appear in that world and begin gathering the sons born of God’s seed from the north, south, east, and west.  This is the work of harvest.  Harvest takes place in the churches where God’s seed had been sown.  However, the churches have lost their lights under Satan’s power, so Jesus and the angels come like a thief in the night to call out the people in secret (after the sun, moon, and stars are struck, darken, and fall).   God seals those who are harvested with the word of revelation from heaven in Revelation 7 and creates His nation of 12 tribes.
- An extract from The Correct Understanding of Bible and Shincheonji
"The Signs of the End of Age: Betrayal, Destruction, and Salvation"-
Link to:  Shincheonji Church of Jesus

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