
The Correct Understanding of Bible and Shincheonji (New Heaven and New Earth) - Faith and Deception

Faith and Deception

Main reference: Jude (Mt 24:4, Lk 13:23-30, Gal 3:23-29)
What is faith and deception?
Apostle Paul wrote that Abraham was called a forefather of faith. Abraham was not justified by works, but his faith was credited as righteousness (Rom 4:1-11).
In regards to deception, Jesus warned to not be deceived by people at the end of age (Mt 24:4). In Genesis 3, Eve was deceived by the snake when she ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Eventually, she died. After Adam and Eve were deceived, they hid and did not appear before God. They did not ask God when they were being deceived. All this happened because their minds had already been overtaken by the snake.
Among the brothers of faith are those like Job, whose faith does not waver even when their bodies suffer from pain, but there are those whose bodies are in good condition, yet they lack faith and thus, become deceived and fall away from faith. If I, too, lacked faith amidst my pain and suffering, then I would not be here today. How can I possibly describe all that pain with words? How can anyone possibly be deceived if he has truly perceived and believed in the Word? Why do some not believe in the Word?
Because the words of prophecy have become flesh today, we see and believe in the prophecy and the physical entities that appeared accordingly. How great is this faith? Those who do not believe in these are essentially not believers. God has given us the promises and their physical fulfillment for our faith. Let us always remember the words in Luke 13. As it is written in Luke 13:25-30, there are those who betray, leave, and try to return. There are those who are first but will become last and those who are last that will become first. When someone is deceived, he will hide like Adam and Eve. This is the evidence that shows he has been deceived.
We received the qualifications to enter heaven and receive eternal life through our faith. By protecting our faith until the end, we can enter into our hope.

Now, it is the time to be fulfilled Revelation.
Prophets in the book of Old Testament abandoned their own things and died a martyr after they had heard what Jesus told. Today is on the day of Jesus’ second coming that he had promised, we can see and believe the truth.
We have to keep the word that Jesus told us in Matthew 24:4“ Watch out that no one deceives you”. And we should keep our faith until the heaven comes.

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